Who is Zaq Baker?
Zaq Baker is contributing to a special genre of music as a piano pop-punk artist. Hailing from Minneapolis, Zaq Baker is working on creating a unique sound using a strong sense of imagination and creativity. He has been making music since he was 15, but did not start working on it seriously until 2016.
He is inspired by musicians like Billy Joel and Regina Spektor. He uses humor and melody to tell lyrical stories based on his own life and some exaggerated details. Zaq Baker wants to create music that is lyrical, deep and thoughtful, but also gets easily stuck in someone’s head. Zaq Baker is a positive musical force who is ready to take his career further and deeper.
Zaq Baker has many theatrical influences. He has worked with long time producer, Rob Genadek, as well as various musicians that have been featured on his albums including Colin Loynachan (engineering), Andy Kallevig (bass guitar), Sheldon Way (drums), Christian Wheeler (guitars), The Aftergreens (vocal harmonies), Lydia Pelletier (vocal feature, “Down for Whatever”), Allison Payonk (sax solo, “Teammate”) and Jillian and Eric handling strings.
Look out for what is coming next from Zaq Baker and listen to his music on Spotify and other music streaming services.