What’s Next for Nazariff?

As oversaturated with paint-by-numbers productions as contemporary electronic music may be, Nazariff—real name Rodger Edmonds, beautifully blurs the line separating mainstream from obscure. An inventive and capable producer who has helped shape the soundscapes of numerous hip-hop, rock, and pop artists painting them with dark overtones, his solo releases exhibit broader dimensions than the trap and future bass tracks to which they most closely compare.
After a successful performance at Winterween in his hometown of Washington DC, Nazariff is gearing up for an exciting 2022. On December 17, Nazariff released a brand new single for his fans—Should Have, to closer out 2021. Dark, staccato piano notes start off Nazariff’s new single Should Have before ambient vocals lead into heavy bass as the beat drops. What’s next for Nazariff? In an interview last year, Nazariff talked about future music releases, saying that “right now I’m working on a few bodies of work, probably an EP or two and a few singles and covers also a few collabs.”
I’m sure we can expect a full project from Nazariff soon! If you want to see him live, Nazariff will be performing at The Corner at Zuzu Restaurant and Nightclub in Cambridge, Massachusetts on March 25th alongside Mr. StarZ and Remy Steele. Get your tickets today here. Nazariff has also given us hints that he will be releasing another epic song later this month. Stay tuned for that! Until then, keep streaming Should Have and the rest of Nazariff’s discography on Spotify or your favorite streaming platform.