Retargeting Listeners with Spotify Marquee

Getting your first song with over a million streams on Spotify is a dream come true for many recording artists. However, with Spotify paying out approximately $0.003 per stream, one million streams is only around $3,000-4,000. Recording artists need to be bringing in tens of millions of streams per year to be able to live comfortably as a full-time recording artist. With a song’s success on Spotify largely determined by how well it performs on algorithmic playlists such as Release Radar, Discover Weekly, Radio, and Daily Mix, and editorial playlists, many artists who have achieved a viral moment on Spotify struggle to replicate it. How do you turn listeners of one of your songs into listeners of your other songs and a long-term fan? You need to retarget your existing listeners with paid advertising. One tool to do this is Spotify Marquee. In this case study, we detail how we helped an artist with multiple songs with more than a million streams convert listeners of those songs into listeners of their new music. Want to learn more about our work helping artists navigate the music industry confidently and successfully? Read all of our case studies.
Struggling to capitalize on a viral moment?
The recording artist has achieved multiple viral moments on Spotify and has multiple songs with over a million streams. The artist’s monthly listeners fluctuated between 20,000 and 300,000 people over a 4 year period. However, these monthly listeners were, for the most part, only streaming the two viral songs. The number one struggle for the artist was turning these listeners into dedicated fans that support all of the artist’s releases. We identified Marquee as a solution to the artist’s pain points because it allows us to reach these listeners and send them to the artist’s new music.
Using Spotify Marquee to turn existing listeners into fans
Marquee is an advertising tool created by Spotify for artists and teams on Spotify. It displays a full screen announcement of a new release to an artist’s listeners and followers. Marquee campaigns can direct users to either the link to the song or to the artist’s This Is playlist. Spotify charges advertisers $0.50 per click on the Marquee ad. You do not pay for impressions or when someone sees a Marquee ad, ignores it, and streams the artist later. With a strong pool of listeners in the United States, and those listeners being the most valuable since their streams pay out more to artists than in other countries, we used Marquee to retarget US-based listeners of the artist and directed them to the artist’s new EP.
Promoting a music release successfully with Spotify Marquee
The Marquee campaign for the artist’s new EP reached 9,545 people. Out of the 9,454 people the campaign reached, 501 people clicked on the campaign, and 195 people listened to the new project. These listeners streamed 5.5 tracks on average of the 5-song EP. This means that on average, everyone the Marquee campaign reached streamed the entire EP. This came out to 1,072 streams from 195 people over a two-week period for a budget of $250. Additionally, 10.26% of listeners playlisted a song, and 48 tracks were added to user-created playlists from the campaign. 27.69% of converted listeners saved or playlisted at least one song after being targeted with the Marquee campaign. The artist’s project went on to be streamed over 15,000 streams and was the artist’s most successful release in over 3 years.
Navigate the music industry with confidence
Marquee retargeted nearly 10,000 existing listeners and brought in over 1,000 streams to the artist’s release for only $250. The advertising tool successfully addressed the artist’s frustrations and led to this release being the strongest performing project by the artist since 2018. Marquee has proven to be a powerful tool for getting new music from an artist to their listeners. Want to learn more about how we help artists increase the reach of their music? Check out our artist marketing services or contact us for more information on how we can help you promote your music.