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How to Promote Your Music on Social Media

You’ve scheduled your new record for release, and you’re ready to show the world what you’ve got. Unfortunately, there’s thousands of songs uploaded to distribution platforms daily, and your new record will be one of them. If your budget is nonexistent, marketing and PR companies are out of the question, and it’s time to turn to social media. If you are unsure how to get your music scheduled, distributed, and released on streaming platforms, check out the tips in our last article

Social media can be an amazing tool for marketing your new content. In this article, we’ll discuss using two social media platforms to promote your music as well as general tips and tricks to get more reach on your music.

Twitter Marketing

Twitter is a fantastic platform to market your music on as it allows you to include links and embedded content in your post, in addition to pictures, videos, and text. In addition, Twitter is a real time platform, and is constantly updating. This means Twitter is a great opportunity to share your music multiple times throughout the day. As Twitter feeds are updated so regularly, it’s easy for one of your followers to have missed your recent post. Don’t feel scared to share it again. If they follow you and already saw it, they’re not going to be upset that another post dropped a few hours later. If they follow you and missed it, they’ll be thankful you posted again. 

Twitter provides a business manager that allows you to create custom image cards for your posts. This allows you to create flashy and clickable boxes attached to your tweets that don’t take up any of your character limit. To create an image card, head over to Start A Campaign -> Creatives -> Cards -> Create Card -> Website Card. Here, you’ll have the option to create a custom image card for your link. To publish a tweet with an image card, use the Twitter Composer and attach the card. Don’t forget to remove the automatically selected “Promoted-only” option! 

Facebook Marketing

Facebook provides similar benefits to Twitter, but is less real time. This means you should post less frequently. Similarly to Twitter, Facebook has image cards. However, they auto-populate and are only customizable under certain circumstances. If you haven’t already, set up a Facebook Business Page with Business Manager. Facebook’s Business Manager also offers one of the internet’s strongest ad platforms. With over 2.3 billion Facebook users worldwide, you can reach almost anyone you could want. We’ll discuss paid advertising in later articles. 

Facebook created an incredible video streaming platform. Facebook Video is competing with YouTube for the most popular video streaming service. You should be taking advantage of this! Host all of your music and music videos on Facebook, in addition to YouTube and other platforms. 

Facebook also provides you with an incredible analytics platform inside of the Business Manager. This platform allows you to view in depth stats on post and page performance. Facebook also provides helpful insights for page growth. Check them out under Page Tips on the right hand column of your Facebook page.

General Marketing Tips

On social media, there are two primary statistics you want to keep track of: Reach and Engagement. Reach refers to how many individual people you are reaching on a platform. Engagements refer to how many actions have been taken on your post by users that have been reached. Your Reach:Engagement ratio is a great way of seeing how many people you are reaching actually take time to engage with your content. Is your ratio high? Try experimenting with new text, photos, or hashtags. Is your ratio low? You’re doing something right! Apply your successes to future content. Generating awareness for your music is easier said than done, but your Reach statistics are a great way of seeing if you are accomplishing this. 

All social media platforms are heavily saturated with new posts. As a result, you’ll have to create something flashy and concise each time you post, as you’ll be competing with everyone else that your followers follow. Video and image content is a great way to do this. Take the creativity you use in your music and apply it to your marketing. All your releases need social media content in the  pre-release, release, and post-release content stages. If you want people to hear your music, you have to share it. 


Twitter and Facebook are incredible, free platforms for marketing your music. In addition, they provide amazing advertising options that we will discuss in later articles. Missed the earlier articles in the series? Check out our last article on Scheduling and Releasing Your Content.

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